美國經典衛浴 – KOHLER · KOHLER San Raphael 單體馬桶K-3384T-C2:搭載最新 INGENIUM 靜漩 沖水系統 · 單段式省水設計:每次沖水6L · 顏色:白色 · 採用全新窯燒技術KOHLER Glaze,優質釉料及超高溫鍛燒使瓷器表面高度玻化、平滑細緻,並於排污管內施釉,強化排污順暢度。 · 尺寸:L75.5xW52xH59cm / 排水管距:30cm · 本產品包含緩降馬桶蓋:K-4713T-0 · KOHLER 獨家噴射孔設計,充分防止阻塞。特有漩渦式水流,在無濺水的情況下,營造出一個安靜、乾淨的沖水環境。 · 自動控水的進水閥:控制用水量,防止濺水。 · 持續的漩渦水流:有效降低噪音,徹底洗淨表面。 · 2″全噴釉排污管:動力流速最佳化,使排污效率最大化。 · 全新設計噴射孔:與漩渦水流結合,防止堵塞。 |
下方影片:KOHLER 全新 INGENUIM靜漩沖水技術 (請按三角形播映鍵)
You deserve more than just a powerful flush…
Quiet, Controlled Flush | Our automatic flow-control fill valve provides consistent water usage over a wide range of water pressures, minimizing splash from the bowl. A 2″ flush valve releases an ideal amount of water to maximize energy momentum, reducing unnecessary noise for added privacy. |
Clean Bowl | Sustained swirling water, a signature feature of the Ingenium flushing system, rinses the bowl each time you flush. And our 10″ by 9″ or larger water surface helps keep the bowl clean and reduces odor. |
Plug-Resistant | Our precisely positioned siphon jet, combined with a whirlpool-like water vortex, provides exceptional resistance against plugging. Our 2″ fully glazed trapway employs ideal fluid dynamics to optimize efficient waste elimination. |
…you deserve the Ingenium flushing system by Kohler.
KOHLER San Raphael 馬桶尺寸圖
本產品另有黑色(Black),接單訂貨(價格另計、期貨3個月)。 |
本產品可另選配KOHLER C3 智慧型電腦馬桶蓋 (K-8297或K-4737) |